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The Hunter: A Sinful Supes Novel (Red Crescent Book 3) Page 3
The Hunter: A Sinful Supes Novel (Red Crescent Book 3) Read online
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Disappointed, I sighed and opened my eyes. It was for the best. I was poison, and Lucas was better off without me.
“That is your infection talking,” Gabe sounded annoyed. “Just eat, and we’ll focus on the basics for now. I’m under the impression you’ve been living in the dark, correct?”
“You mean ignorant as shit? Yeah, you could say that.” I shoveled in another bite. Everything that happened at Fort Lawrence could’ve been avoided if I’d known just a few simple things. For instance: Never get your fervor in public.
That one would have been good to know.
“Well, do you have any questions for me?” Gabe stared at my mouth as I chewed.
I wanted to roll my eyes again. He was acting like everyone else. I thought an incubus would be immune to my effect, but it seemed to be the opposite. In fact, he seemed even more drawn to me. No wonder he was shocked when I hadn’t immediately thrown myself at him. He probably expected to have the same sway over me.
“Sure, I have questions. How do I avoid dying without resorting to sleeping with you?” I asked point blank.
Gabe Benson was a good actor. Even so, I could see the tightness in the skin around his eyes, and his plastic smile. My question had pissed him off. Good. We weren’t friends, and I didn’t want to be.
I was here under contract and nothing more. I’m not exactly sure when I’d become such a jerk. I mean, I’ve always been a bit jaded, but now I wasn’t even trying to be nice anymore. And you know what?
Fuck my fervor. Fuck that asshole Carson Vicks. And fuck Gabriel Benson, too.
I wasn’t Claire Sommers anymore. Instead, I’d become an object to fight over. Something that everyone wanted a piece of. Even Lucas was guilty. I wasn’t Claire the person, to him; I was Claire the mate. A random damsel in distress he wanted to stick his dick in because of some evolutionary prerogative. He didn’t even know me, and yet he’d acted as if I was his moon and sun combined.
My God, when had I become so bitter? I didn’t even recognize myself.
“To answer your question,” Gabe said, “you can still feed if you’re willing to kill for sustenance. However, non-lethal feedings would be like breathing through a straw. It’s more effort than will ever be able to sate you, and eventually, you will simply suffocate. Or you could think of it like drinking sea water. It may feel nice to parch your throat in the moment, but it does more damage than good, because you end up expending more energy than you can receive. It’s a slow, painful way to go.”
“Sounds pleasant,” I muttered.
“I’m offering you an out.”
I placed my fork sharply on the china meant for fancy French cuisine.
“I appreciate it. I’ll keep it in mind.” If I become desperate. I tacked on a stilted, fake smile. I couldn’t afford to piss this guy off too much. He knew things I needed to know. Things that could prevent me from turning into a ticking time bomb.
Gabe nodded, a genuine smile across his face this time. “Good. I’ll be waiting.”
I took a sip of soup, relishing a mouthful of broth, bamboo shoot, and pork loin. Delicious. I hadn’t eaten like this in ages. Lately, I’d had to survive off the poverty junk food diet to sustain my daily calories on my budget. “Were all my health issues due to insufficient… um, succubus feeding? Is that why I’ve always had to eat so much?”
“From what I saw of your medical records? Absolutely. It’s a miracle you didn’t starve to death.” He shook his head, looking perplexed. “You honestly had no idea you were different?” He turned to the door and signaled for another staff member. “Bring more food for my guest.”
As the butler left the dining room, I glanced at my plate, surprised to see that I’d scarfed down the majority of my food. Yet, I didn’t feel full in the least. In fact, I was ravenous.
I sighed, “I just figured I had shitty luck in the health and genes department.”
“No, Claire.” He looked like he wanted to stroke my cheek or something. “You won the lottery.”
I quirked an eyebrow. Was this guy for real? I was a monster. An out of control one, at that.
“You’re probably wondering how you could starve yourself and not know it.” He continued, “Succubi tend to come into their powers when they have sex for the first time. Seeing as you had a rather violent fervor, I’m assuming you were a virgin?”
A blush climbed up my cheeks. “Yeah. I’m a…” I trailed off. “Well, I was a virgin.”
He nodded without judgement. “Of course, a succubus doesn’t usually have her fervor then walk away with her hymen intact. That would defeat the purpose of it.”
“Purpose?” I said around a mouthful of potsticker. “I thought it was random. Or at least that’s what the internet said.”
“Written by humans, no doubt.” He scoffed. “If you have questions, you come to me. The fervor only seems random to those on the outside. It is actually exceedingly rare, since the purpose is to save the young succubus’ life from starvation.” He smiled. “Basically, your virginity was killing you.”
I crossed my arms leaning back in my chair. “So my body decided to crop-dust a bunch of pheromones around so I could potentially get gang raped and come into my power?” I felt sick to my stomach.
My body was a scumbag.
“Your circumstances were not ideal.” He grabbed my hand, but instantly, I pulled away, uncomfortable with the contact. Gabe looked down at my hand as if he had forgotten he wasn’t allowed to touch me — that it revolted me. “If that’s what happened to you, we can talk about it.”
“I’m good,” I lied. Even now I heard the echoes of chaos. The battle behind the bathroom door. So many bodies… I mentally shook myself out of it. “Most of my health issues developed around puberty and just kept getting worse. How come it took six years to get to that point, and yet, right now I’m really hungry? I feel like the tank is already running on empty even though I just filled it up.”
Gabe nodded, his face sympathetic. “That’s because you’re a full blown succubus now. Before you were more like a hybrid — the link between human and succubi. But now your body demands a succubus’ nourishment. What took you six years to reach will only take a matter of months now. If you’re lucky.”
“How will I know when I’m in the danger zone?” Translation: when should I start worrying about resorting to sleeping with you?
“It’s hard to say.” He paused as a butler placed more heaping portions of food in front of me. “You will be in serious danger when you start losing weight and your appearance is affected.”
I frowned. “My appearance didn’t change last time?”
Despite being seriously malnourished, I was a perfectly healthy weight. In fact, I wasn’t what you’d call skinny. Merely average.
“No, your fervor didn’t let you get to that point. For our kind, the very last thing to go is our looks, since that’s a significant factor in how we catch our food.”
I stared at him while I chewed. He really was remarkably good looking, at least millions of screaming fans thought so. “You said we could change our appearance. I take it you weren’t born looking like this?”
He laughed. “You like what you see?”
I shrugged. I preferred gold eyes and the ability to turn into a hulking eight-foot beast in the sack, but maybe I was biased. Before Lucas’ bite I would’ve considered that side of him scary beyond belief, instead of a turn on. Then again, I learned lots of things about myself that night. I shivered.
A few errant squiggles of blue lightning sparked along my arm, signaling my arousal.
Gabe’s eyes gleamed, no doubt attributing my reaction to himself. Gross.
“You’re alright,” I clarified, not wanting to get his hopes up.
But the look on his face told me he wasn’t buying it. “Just alright? I’ll have you know that I’ve been voted the sexiest man several times. You sure you don’t want to revise your answer?”
I rolled my eyes. No matter how hot he was on th
e outside, it didn’t make up for his arrogance. Or the fact that I was not ready for a relationship right now.
“You saw my records, right?” I changed the subject.
He nodded, still pleased with himself.
“The DNA results said I have less than one percent fae blood—”
“That was before,” he interrupted. “Let’s just say you’ve been ‘activated’ now. If you took another test, well, the results would be very different.” His smirk widened, “Actually your levels were pretty high for a virgin. I wouldn’t be surprised if more succubi emerge from your line.”
I paused mid-chew. Did he mean Brandt? My baby brother?
He applied to a welding program at the local junior college. I used to go there before I transferred to Fort Lawrence, so I knew they forced all their students to take the test. Granted I already got my AA and moved on to my Bachelors by the time I got my results. Who knew when Brandt would get his. Apparently getting your DNA tested took a long time, especially since there’s so much demand for it.
I snapped out of my thoughts. Gabe was touching my bushy hair; I didn’t like it one bit.
“I think I know what our first lesson will be,” he murmured while examining my locks.
“Let me guess,” I said dryly. “You want me to change my hair.”
He smirked and nodded. “No hands allowed. I’m going to teach you how to use your ardor.” He lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers. Blue static electricity began sparking off of them.
“Sounds easy,” I lied.
Gabe smirked. “Don’t look so intimidated, Claire. You’ve got me, and I intend to forge a spectacular succubus out of you.”
I stared into the mirror as I visualized a thinner, smaller nose. Adding to my appearance, like bigger boobs or plumper lips was a piece of cake. However, reducing, things like shrinking my feet or shortening my hair was a hell of a lot more difficult. Gabe had explained that it was always easier to expend energy than attain it, but since I was “neutered” filling up my energy tank would be all but impossible.
Unless said energy was inserted along with Lucas Masters’ dick.
Since I didn’t have access to that option, I’d adopted the displacement tactic Gabe had recommended. Instead of attempting to return excess energy back into the chasm, so it could be used as reserve fuel, I transferred it to different body parts. Basically, I couldn’t change my mass, but I could manipulate it. For instance, if I wanted less belly all I needed to do was transfer the mass to ass. I went from flat to having the haunches of a fitness model. The best part: it didn’t tap into my dwindling supply of ardor, or as I liked to call it, “blue sauce.”
Because of this, this technique was my favorite form of training.
I pictured my face covered in wrinkles and liver spots. Within seconds, Granny Claire stared back at me. Now I pictured porcelain skin, shampoo commercial hair, and big round eyes. Meet Barbie Claire. I smiled, revealing rows of needle-sharp shark teeth.
Yeah, I could have fun with this.
In a little over one week, I’d become a master of disguise.
It also explained why Gabriel had no qualms about having his face plastered everywhere. If he ever got outed as a Supe, all he had to do was change his face.
I visualized the look I’d been wearing for the last couple days. I called her Fierce Claire. She came complete with warrior braids lining one side of my skull and smoky eye shadow that streaked to my temples. Back when I required glasses, I never would’ve pulled it off. But for now, I finally looked like someone you didn’t want to mess with. I felt strong, bold, and capable.
I rubbed at my “eye shadow” for the umpteenth time since I learned how to color my skin. Camilla would go gaga for this whole cosmetics without make-up thing.
A soft ache settled in my chest. I missed her terribly. It wasn’t so bad when I moved away for college, but knowing I’d never see her again was horrible. I felt even worse when I realized how selfish and fucked up it was for me to negotiate for her memory in the contract. I’d signed away my life and part of that meant erasing my history. Deleting me.
My own mother wouldn’t know who I was or have any recollection of a child beside Brandt.
Camilla was the one person who was allowed to remember me. At the time, it hadn’t occurred to me how cruel that was. My best friend probably thought she was going crazy right now.
All I had wanted was for someone to know I was alive, that I existed. To remember who I was before I became a Supe. But I hadn’t thought out the ramifications. I wasn’t even allowed to contact her to explain what happened. From her perspective, it probably seemed like I disappeared and left no trace of my existence.
Had they erased me from Lucas’ memory too? It might even be for the best… even though the thought of it sent an icy shard through my heart.
I took a deep breath and stared into the mirror. My eyes weren’t as dull and lifeless as they had been. Honestly, aside from the constant gnawing hunger, I didn’t feel as dead inside either. I felt broken, but still functional. Which was an improvement.
Then my ears began to ring. I winced at the pounding in my head. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple. I’d been getting these headaches all week, but this one felt different, sharper. When I opened my eyes, I reared back in shock.
Instead of my reflection, Lucas Masters stared back at me. My breath caught. He looked… broken. He had dark shadows beneath his eyes, but there was no recognition in his gaze. He simply stared past me. In an abrupt burst of aggression, he punched through the mirror, and it exploded into smithereens. His hand reached for me.
I screamed and fell on my backside. I scrambled away but by the time I got to my feet, the room and mirror were back to normal. Everything was perfectly mundane except for my harsh breathing and hammering pulse.
Out of nowhere, it felt like a bullet pierced my skull. I clutched my hands to my head and opened my mouth in a silent scream. My ears rang and it felt like a chisel was going to town on my forehead.
Then it stopped.
But something remained behind: an unshakable knowledge that Lucas Masters hated mirrors and pictures of himself. It was a shameful secret that he’d never told anyone. He thought it made him weak.
I instantly wanted to hold my mate, to comfort him. I longed to run my hands between the strands of his hair and nuzzle my cheek against his. It was a strange urge, but intuitively, I knew that’s what his wolf needed. Touch and comfort.
I closed my eyes and tried to figure out why he hated mirrors so much. No matter how far I dug into that little pocket of knowledge I could only come up with one word.
I exhaled a harsh breath at the new insight. This bond thing was seriously freaky. I rubbed the goosebumps from my arms and righted my chair. I plopped down in front of the mirror again. I wouldn’t let a creepy ass psychic link interfere with my training.
I took a deep breath and visualized changing my vocal cords to alter the sound of my voice. Weird visions or not, I had work to do.
The doorbell rang.
I frowned. Though Gabe’s mansion had a near constant stream of visitors, well more like “meals,” never had I heard the doorbell go off. I stood and made my way down the curved set of stairs. They were shaped like a horseshoe with both ends of the staircase leading to the foyer. A giant chandelier hung from the center of the painted domed ceiling. It looked like a replica of the Sistine Chapel.
As far as I knew, Gabriel Benson wasn’t religious. He may have commissioned it on a whim or the house could’ve come with it. Here in the west wing of the house, things were a bit… excessive. Apparently, I’d first entered the house through the back entrance.
Clyde the Manservant walked into the foyer. We made eye contact. His eyes widened when he saw the mischievous glint in mine. To distract myself from the gaping hole in my chest, I’d made it my personal mission to mess with Clyde every chance I got. He knew I was planning something. At the exa
ct same time, we both bolted toward the door.
While he closed in on the finish line, I forced blue juju down to my legs and launched myself in the air, traversing the last ten feet like a leapfrog boss. I landed deftly on the pads of my feet, and grabbed the door handle, officially winning the race.
“Hah!” I crowed then swung the door open with a victorious grin.
It promptly fell when my eyes trailed up the visitor. I swung the door so it would slam shut in our unwelcome guest’s face, but a cowboy-booted toe stopped the door in its tracks. I glared at U.S. Hunter Carson Vicks as he pushed his way inside. He offered me a half-cocked smirk as his eyes roved over my new look.
“Well, sweetheart, ain’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he drawled around the toothpick in his mouth.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I snapped.
“Aw come on honey, that ain’t the warmest welcome.” A large military style holdall was slung over his shoulder. Wait… he was staying? “Y’all need to work on yer hospitality.”
“I can get that for you, Sir,” Clyde the Manservant said, referring to Vick’s bag.
Vicks ignored him and perused the exorbitant surroundings. His eyebrow quirked at the gaudy chandelier. He turned to me with a cocked grin. “A bit much, innit?”
“What happened to not seeing each other until after my training?”
Vicks shrugged and removed his Stetson. “That was before I found out you got yourself neutered.”
I narrowed my eyes. “What could that possibly have to do with you?”
He ran his hand through his short, wheat colored hair, “Well somebody’s gotta feed ya.”
I raised my eyebrows. Did he mean what I thought he meant? Oh hell no!
Clyde made a move to shut the door.
“Leave it open,” Vicks said. He slid the toothpick to the other side of his mouth. “For my associate.”
At that very moment, a tiny person carrying two heavy duty coffins stacked on top of each other, paused at the doorway. I gaped at what looked like a child hoisting some serious weight over their head. I was tempted to crane my neck to see the kid’s face.